15.07.2024 (Mo) 19:30 Uhr New Yorck im Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2A, Kreuzberg

Ⓐ Anarchist Dinner: Input + Diskussion – Aktuelle Situation des Tren Maya Projekts in Yucatán/Mexico


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Video-Gespräch mit Genoss:in von „SOS Cenotes“ aus Yucatán. Vorher Mediterrane Küfa.

Diesen Montag laden wir euch zu leckerem Mediterranem Essen mit uns ein, als Teil unserer Küfa-Events jeden 3.Montag im Monat im NewYorck Bethanien.

Jemand von der Gruppe SOS Cenotes wird per Videoanruf bei uns sein, um Infos über die momentane Situation zu geben. Die Bewohner der Gemeinschaft von Quintana Roo versuchen das natürliche und kulturelle Erbe zu beschützen, das durch das Entwicklungsmodell des Tren Maya bedroht wird. Kommt um euch zu informieren, vernetzt euch, findet Wege um den Kampf zu unterstützen und esst mit uns lecker Küfa.

Nach dem Input gibt es Raum für Diskussion.
Der Erlös wird an die Gruppe SOS Cenotes gehen.

  • Essen ist vegan
  • Die Veranstaltung beginnt nach dem Essen um ca. 20:00

Anarchist Dinner

Anarchist Dinner: Input + Discussion – Current situation on the Tren Maya Project in Yucatán/Mexico

Video Call with a comrade from "SOS Cenotes" from Yucatán. Mediterranean Küfa before.

This Monday we invite you to have tasty Mediterranean food with us, as part of our cooking events every 3rd Monday of the month in NewYorck Bethanien.

The event this time will concern the Tren Maya Project that is taking place in Yucatan, Mexico. A comrade from the group called SOS Cenotes will join us through video call and give an update on the current situation. Community of Quintana Roo residents seeking to protect the natural and cultural heritage threatened by the development model promoted by the Mayan Train. Come to get informed, get connected, find ways to support the struggle and eat nice food with us.

After the input there will be space for discussion.
The collected funds will go for the support of the collective.

  • All food is vegan
  • Event will start after food - probably at 20:00

Anarchist Dinner

20.05.2024 (Mo) 19:30 Uhr New Yorck im Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2A, Kreuzberg

Ⓐ ANARCHIST DINNER – Mediterranen Meze & Screening of ''Tendopoly''


👤 There will be online connection with one person from the collective after screening and for questions and discussion.

👉 Donation will go for the collective campaign.

🎬 The Movie "Tendopoly" will be in Italian with English subtitles

Tendopoly is a miniseries produced by the Campagne in lotta. Campagne in lotta is a solidarity network that in the last 12 years has been supporting the struggle of migrants agricultural workers in different part of Italy (Puglia, Calabria, Piemonte and more) in their fight for documents, work and houses.

ℹ️ INFO: https://stressfaktor.squat.net/node/305702

26.02.2024 (Mo) 19:00 Uhr Stadtteilladen Zielona Góra

Ⓐ Anarchist Dinner: book presentation „This system is killing us“


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Anarchist dinner (tasty Mediterranean meze) from 19:00, than book presentation and discussion with Xander Dunlap

‘This System is Killing Us’ is an insider look at the catastrophic effects that energy infrastructure and mining are having on communities, their land and our planet. Xander Dunlap spent a decade living and working with Indigenous activists and land defenders across the world to uncover evidence of the repression people have faced in the wake of untamed capitalist growth. From Zapotec and Ikoot people struggling against wind energy projects in Oaxaca, Mexico to the violence of the Hambach mine in the German Rhineland, Dunlap presents the truth that lies behind the green re-branding of capitalism that social movements in the Global North have been slow to challenge.

Xander Dunlap is a postdoctoral research fellow at Boston University, USA, and a visitingresearch fellow in the Global Development Studies Department, University of Helsinki, Finland. Their work has critically examined police-military transformations, marketbased conservation, wind energy development and extractive projects more generally inLatin America, Europe and the United States. They have written numerous books, most recently Enforcing Ecocide: Power, Policing and Planetary Militarization.

All royalties from the book are being donated to the Stop Cop City Movement and Atlanta Solidarity Fund

18.12.2023 (Mo) 19:30 Uhr New Yorck im Bethanien, Xberg

Ⓐ Anarchist Dinner: Input & Discussion – Update on GEAS laws & anarchist participation in migrant struggles


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This month, in the Anarchist Dinner event, there will be an input from comrades from the No Border Assembly for the current status of the asylum and border laws (new GEAS) in Germany. What are these new laws? What effect do they have on people trying to get asylum or trying to come and live in Germany?

We would like to invite people to get informed, eat tasty Mediterranean Meze food together and as always create a round of discussion. The discussion would also aim to focus on the anarchist participation for the mobilisations against the (new) migrant and asylum laws and more broadly in freedom of movement struggles.

Pointing out contradictions, evaluating our participation and brainstorming ideas for the near future.

The money will go to a comrade who is seeking asylum at the moment.

20.11.2023 (Mo) 19:30 Uhr New Yorck im Bethanien, Mariannenplatz_2A, Kreuzberg

◎⏍♫ Anarchist Dinner: Discussion on anarchist anti-imperialism


▯ Poster/Flyer, jpg

mediterrean meze _ input _ jam session***
***bring your own instruments

We invite all our friends and comrades to the anarchist dinner.

We thought that self-learning and discussion about the approaches of anarchists in history to imperialism, anti-colonialism and national liberation struggles should take place at our table. Some authors and even some well-known names such as Alfredo M. Bonanno, Jean Weir, Lucien van der Walt, Mikhail Bakunin and Rudolf Rocker have promised to participate in our event where we intend to talk about the relations of some anarchist movement from colonial and post-colonial eras with anti-colonial movements in colonized or semi-colonized countries and their effects on them.

The texts we have already taken a look at can be found here:



In addition to the usual delicious Mediterranean-style mezes, cold drinks, good music and nice conversations, we decided to add a proposal for discussion and exchange of ideas to our event this month. Food will be ready around 19:30. We propose to have the discussion after the common meal.


16.10.2023 (Mo) 19:30 Uhr New Yorck im Bethanien, Mariannenplatz_2A, Kreuzberg

Ⓐ Anarchist Dinner for Zaid Abdulnasser



Zaid Abdulnasser is a member of Samidoun and threatened with deportation because of his political activity.

No one is alone in the hands of the state!

Infos about the case will be served while having donation-based mediterranean food and cold drinks – as well as some music afterwards.

Hosted by: Anarchist Dinner (every 3rd Monday of the month at NewYorck Bethanien)

Ⓐ Anarchistisches Dinner Zaid Abdulnasser

Zaid Abdulnasser ist Mitglied von Samidoun und wegen seiner politischen Aktivitäten von der Abschiebung bedroht.

Niemand ist allein in den Händen des Staates!

Es werden Infos zum Fall serviert, bei mediterranem Essen und kalten Getränken auf Spendenbasis – sowie ein bißchen Musik danach.

Veranstalter:innen: Anarchist Dinner (jeden 3.Montag im Monat im NewYorck Bethanien)