29.02.2024 (Do) 18:00 Uhr R94, Rigaer Straße 94, Fhain-Nordkiez

⏍ Screenings for Palestine


⎕ Foto of Poster, jpg

Resisting Occupation

"Gaza Fights For Freedom"
Filmed during the height of the Great March of Return protests, it features exclusive footage of demonstrations where 200 unarmed civilians have been killed by Israeli snipers since March 30, 2018.

with guest speakers and open discussion

from 20:00 Vokü (vegan)

22.02.2024 (Do) 18:00 Uhr R94, Rigaer Straße 94, Fhain-Nordkiez

⏍ Screenings for Palestine


⎕ Foto of Poster, jpg

Resisting Occupation

"Off Frame aka Revolution Until Victory"
A mediationon the Palestinian people's struggle to produce an image and self-representation on their own terms in the 1960s and 1970s, with the establishment of the Palestine Film Unit as part of the PLO.

with guest speakers and open discussion

from 20:00 Vokü (vegan)