13.07.2024 (Sa) 14:00 Uhr U-Bhf Rathaus Steglitz

⚐ Demo: From Berlin to Gaza – Resistance Is Justified, When People Are Occupied


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Stop the criminalisation of Palestinian resistance. We will not be silenced!

On 3 July, the Berlin state parliament passed a motion to ban the use of the upside-down red triangle that has been associated with the Palestinian resistance, in an attempt to further criminalise and penalise the Palestine solidarity movement in Berlin.

Join us on the streets of Berlin, on Saturday 13.07. at 14:00, at U Rathaus Steglitz, and let our voices be heard loud and clear. We are sending a message to the German state that their attempts to criminalise us will not silence us, and that our solidarity with Palestine will remain unwavering. Our small acts of resistance here echo the Palestinian call for a global intifada.

Resistance is a right for all oppressed and occupied peoples, above all, for Palestinians. Resistance is an ongoing purpose.
