Poster, print, A3, black/white, jpg
Poster, web, colored, jpg
Sharepic, web, square 1200×1200, color, jpg
with Vokü (vegan kitchen). soli bar after the event and free table football + political music
Presentation, video-documentary (15min) and discussion with a speaker from Portugal
english, with german translation
- Lithium fever in the EU and "greenwashing"
- Current lithium mining projects in Portugal and the resistance against them
- Anti-capitalist critique of growth and the urgent need for networked struggles against all extractivist projects worldwide
Portugal has one of the largest lithium deposits in Europe. Lithium is needed to produce batteries for electric cars and bicycles. According to the Portuguese government, this lithium is now to be mined.
In various regions of Portugal, there is resistance against the state-supported lithium extractivism in the mines of global corporations (including "Savannah Resources" from Great Britain). Entire villages are to be destroyed. Under the slogan "Não à mina - No to the mine" there are various mobilizations and blockades: "Minas Não" campaign (link: linktr.ee).
These plans pose a threat to the natural biodiversity of the area, as well as the local communities and their way of life. We will delve into the possible destruction that may result from the implementation of these projects.
Additionally, we will explore the concept of „green washing“ and the fallacy of economic development in the larger context of global techno-capitalism. Through a brief presentation on these critical issues, we want to spark a collaborative discussion on the importance of degrowth, local community resource management, and the necessity for a networked resistance.