08.03.2025 (Sa) 15:00 Uhr Oranienplatz, Kreuzberg

☉ 08.03.2025 (Sa) 15:00  ⚲ Oranienplatz, Kreuzberg


Until total Liberation for all of us, we’ll organize, we’ll resist, we’ll fight back!

Let’s take to the streets to show our determination, autonomy, and rage against colonial imperialist powers and the fascist systems and societies that prioritize their own benefits over our lives.

Bring your banners and signs. See you at 3 PM on 08.03.2025 at Oranienplatz!

Alliance of Internationalist Feminists

🄾 INFO: www.instagram.com/allianc.int.feminist

⚲ Announced demo route: Oranienplatz — Rio-Reiser-Platz — Ohlauerstraße — Glogauerstraße — Pannierstraße — Hermannplatz