04.12.2024 (Mi) 20:00 Uhr K19, Kreutzigerstraße 19, Berlin-Friedrichshain

⏍ Küfa for Palestine by Food Not Bombs Berlin


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Küfa vegan: Palästinian food

Docu: We Will Return to Our Homes (17min) +18

Exhibition: ”Pro Palestine Demo repression in Berlin” by Photographers Collective (Instagram: @from_the_r_to_the_streets)

Donation: Support a friend from Gaza and his family

Food Not Bombs Berlin - Instagram

Documentary: We Will Return to Our Homes It’s been a year since Israel used the October 7 attack to justify the erasure of Gaza, and since video journalist Bisan Owda picked up her camera to show the world what’s happening on the ground. In that time, she’s been forced from her home into continuous displacement, had bombs fall around her and documented the stories of Palestinians surrounded by their decimated homes.

She’s spoken to strangers sharing what little they have, children trekking to get water for their families and people creating a way to survive out of nothing. She’s ensured the world sees how life has changed entirely for Palestinians, sharing stories of hunger, thirst, illness, injury, bombings, grief and death.

Since October 2023, Israel’s assault has killed over 41,800 Palestinians, damaged or destroyed well over 70% of Gaza’s homes, throttled aid, and leveled infrastructure necessary for survival.

02.05.2024 (Do) 20:00 Uhr K19, Kreutzigerstr.19, Fhain

⏍ TALK WITH UDI RAZ (JEWISH VOICE): Green Politics and Racial Supremacy in Palestine


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with Küfa (vegan) from 6:30pm by Migrant Food Dealers

Event – Green Politics and Racial Supremacy in Palestine: In this session, Udi Raz, a PhD Fellow at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Society, offers a historical contextualization of the perception of the relationship between the categories of "the land" and "the people" in Zionist knowledge production, and shows through contemporary examples how Green Politics are being deployed by Zionists in order to maintain Jewish Supremacy between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, through practices of genocide and epistemicide.

~~~~~~~~~~ The money raised by the Küfa of Migrant Food Dealers will be used for the elaboration of a mural in memory of state violence in Colombia. Menu: Vegan Moussakka with green salad and desert.

02.05.2024 (Do) 20:00 Uhr K19, Kreutzigerstr.19, Fhain

⏍ GESPRÄCH UDI RAZ (JÜDISCHE STIMME): Grüne Politik und rassische Vorherrschaft in Palästina


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mit Küfa (vegan) ab 18:30 von Migrant Food Dealers

Veranstaltung – Grüne Politik und rassische Vorherrschaft in Palästina: In dieser Sitzung bietet Udi Raz, Doktorand an der Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Society, eine historische Kontextualisierung der Wahrnehmung des Verhältnisses zwischen den Kategorien "Land" und "Volk" in der zionistischen Wissensproduktion und zeigt anhand von Beispielen aus der Gegenwart, wie grüne Politik von Zionisten eingesetzt wird, um die jüdische Vorherrschaft zwischen dem Jordan und dem Mittelmeer durch Praktiken des Genozids und Epistemizids aufrechtzuerhalten.

~~~~~~~~~~ Die Einnahmen der Küfa der Migrant Food Dealers wird für die Erstellung eines Murales in Gedenken an die Opfer der staatlichen Gewalt in Kolumbien verwendet. Menü: vegane Moussakka mit grünen Salat und Nachtisch.