18.05.2024 (Sa) 14:00 Uhr Oranienplatz, Kreuzberg

☉ 18.05.2024 (Sa) 14:00  ⚲ Oranienplatz, Kreuzberg


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We call on anarchists to take part in the Nakba Day demonstration on May 18 at 14:00 at Oranienplatz. Also for Nakba Day, we are calling for direct and decentralised actions to denounce Israel's genocidal policies and Germany's support for them. Go to Sonnenallee or choose suitable targets for this special day.

Enough is enough! From the river to the sea, freedom for Palestine and all oppressed people! Because we only will be free, when all of us are free.

Ⓐ Anarchists and Autonomous from the neighborhoods

Call for participating in the Nakba-Day Demonstration on 18.05.2024 and for direct action on Nakba-Day on 15.05.2024

As anarchists, we fight for the self-determination of all people, which for us also includes the anti-colonial liberation struggle. Western colonial states have been oppressing people in the Global South for several centuries. The rhetoric of the "white man", who must civilize the "uncivilized world", continues to this day. Anti-colonial liberation struggles are suppressed and banned under the pretext of terrorism. Wherever genocides, wars and exploitation take place, western states and companies follow only their profit interests and are not interested in the equality of all people, as stated for example in the German constitution. In the case of Palestine, too, colonization did not begin in 1948, but at the latest with the British Mandate. This was followed by the Nakba, which continues to this day.

The Nakba (Arabic for catastrophe) describes the expulsion of around 700,000 Palestinians in 1948, during the founding of the colonial state of Israel. To this day, they are unable to return to their villages, towns and stolen territories. However, the Nakba was not a single event, but continues to this day through land theft, expulsion and other colonial practices. Every year on May 15, one day after the declaration of independence of Israel, the Nakba is commemorated by the so-called Nakba Day and the struggle for the liberation of the Palestinian population and for the return to their territories.

In recent years, the city of Berlin has repeatedly banned demonstrations around this day on absurd grounds. Newspapers, courts and politicians in Germany use the pretext of combating anti-Semitism to ban demonstrations and distract with these wrong uses from the real danger to Jewish lives from among other things right-wing extremist attack. In addition, the term antisemitism is increasingly trivialized by this twisted use and the line between actual antisemitism and constructed antisemitism becomes blurred. By ranting about allegedly imported anti-Semitism, German elites are trying to whitewash their murderous anti-Semitic past.

Criticism of Israel and fighting for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea is not necessarily anti-Semitic, but in principle anti-colonial.

We call on anarchists to take part in the Nakba Day demonstration on May 18 at 14:00 at Oranienplatz. Also for Nakba Day, we are calling for direct and decentralised actions to denounce Israel's genocidal policies and Germany's support for them. Go to Sonnenallee or choose suitable targets for this special day.

Enough is enough! From the river to the sea, freedom for Palestine and all oppressed people! Because we only will be free, when all of us are free.

Ⓐ Anarchists and Autonomous from the neighborhoods